Wall-size WhiteBoard for less than $13

I was always want to have a giant white-board that I can use for write down some of my random thoughts. Eventually, I did some googling and found following instruction:

<Cover a Wall with a Giant Whiteboard for Under $15>

<How-To – Dirt Cheap Wall-Sized Whiteboards>


Then, I went to HomeDepot found the one they mentioned

“Thrifty White 32 sq. ft. Hardboard Panel Board”
It costed me $12.65 plus tax.

8ft * 4ft is just too big for my small apartment, so I ask the HomeDepot agent to help me cut it to three pieces(I wasn’t know they providing those kind of service until I asked, which is very nice.)

This way, I can have three 32 in.* 4 ft. white board that I can put in three different place at my apartment (e.g. living room, bed room)

Three white board
three 32 in * 4ft white board
32 in. * 4 ft

And so, Here is the tool that I used to hang it on the wall:



On the wall
On the wall


This is how it been fix on the wall

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