The Camera I used here is the Canon T5i, it is a great camera, with 75-300 telephoto lenses.
Canon T5i (佳能T5i)
75-300mm USM lenses (75-300长焦镜头)
Tripod(Optional) 三脚架(可选)
steps (步骤)
1, UserDefine 1(用户定义1)
2, Go to DISP/Detail Setting(高级设置)
3, Sharpeness to 7(higest) (锐度调到最高)
4, Manual(手动模式)
5, IS off(防抖关掉)
6, F11 (光圈调大到F11)
7, Remote Control(Optional) or Timer(最好是用遥控,没有到话用定时)
8, Then Manually focus(手动对焦)
Here are some examples: